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Forbidden Love
Laura Harner
Carrie Butler
Black Water Bayou
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Blood Gift
Amy Lee Burgess
Pick Your Pleasure
Jayne Rylon
Seducing Samantha
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Alien Interludes: Clans of Kalquor Short Stories
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Reluctant Match

Reluctant Match - Peyton Elizabeth I really like this series and the premise of a ménage dating service! Sign me up!

Emma is a a great character although she falls into the guys arms rather easily. But that can be explained when you realize she has loved them for eleven years. Still a long time to wait for someone to acknowledge you are more than a booty call.

I really thought Russ' secret would be more dramatic. It was kinda eh. And the outside suspense could have been built up more as well.

There were a lot of ups and downs emotionally. I enjoyed the touches of BDSM, they kept the story poppin. The steam was hot and heavy but more one on one for most of the book.

Each book draws you in more with a hint of the next at the end. I can not wait for another ménage.com match!!!