61 Following


Currently reading

Forbidden Love
Laura Harner
Carrie Butler
Black Water Bayou
Monique O'Connor James
Blood Gift
Amy Lee Burgess
Pick Your Pleasure
Jayne Rylon
Seducing Samantha
R.E. Butler
Alien Interludes: Clans of Kalquor Short Stories
Tracy St. John
If Only
Cherise Sinclair

Her Personal Security

Her Personal Security - Becca Van Wowza!! This is a hot and steamy read!! I love a sexy menage!! And the story is interesting. A problem I have found with this series is once they start having sexy the story falls away a bit.

I am hooked on the series so I will keep reading I just hope the writing improves. I would like the intrigue to be more than an after thought in the end.

It is getting better as the series grows!

Cover Art - Yum Yum Give Me Some!