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Forbidden Love
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Black Water Bayou
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Blood Gift
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Pick Your Pleasure
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Seducing Samantha
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Alien Interludes: Clans of Kalquor Short Stories
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If Only
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Into the Lair

Into the Lair - Maya Banks Wow!!! This book is uber hot in the second half!!! It almost drops the story, thankfully it picks things back up after a few very smexy chapters!!!!

The story her continues after the first book left off. Yummy Ian and Braden are our heroes, that means menage. They are still having shifting issues and it gets worse when they meet Gabe's little sister Katie. They are a bit on the gruff side, perhaps there is a better way to approach the girl.

The story has two major plots going on, first Katie already has trouble knocking on her door. That is pretty much the first half of the book, before the smexy stuff occurs. We spend a few chapter smexing in a safehouse, then on to the second plot with Esteban.

The narrative is mixed, giving POV from the three leads and some from supporting cast. Love this type because you really get into everybodies heads. We revisit Eli and Tyana from the first book and get resolution on their HEA.

The steam is uber hot!!! Like read while in a cold shower, hot! Get ready for plenty of variety in the menage positions and even a couple one on one scenes. I am pretty sure Ms Banks hit on every combo you can get in a three-way, well not MM, they are brothers after all.

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Rebecca Estrella, who does a great job. I am so happy the narrator changed from the first book. She does a great job with all the voices, no strange accents here, everything stays consistent and distinct. I really enjoyed her swift pace and the energy she adds to the read.

I am a little upset because I am pretty sure this is the end of the series and everything is not resolved. There were threads left loose and characters without a HEA. Such a bummer!