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Forbidden Love
Laura Harner
Carrie Butler
Black Water Bayou
Monique O'Connor James
Blood Gift
Amy Lee Burgess
Pick Your Pleasure
Jayne Rylon
Seducing Samantha
R.E. Butler
Alien Interludes: Clans of Kalquor Short Stories
Tracy St. John
If Only
Cherise Sinclair

Turquoise Moon

Turquoise Moon - Ann Mayburn Wow!! I was hoping this would be Jude and Ben finding their third!!! What a great story. Theses books may be compact but the world and storytelling are tight!!! I was hooked from the start when we were getting Kara's POV.

Love the mixed narrative giving us a bit of all three. It makes for a more engaging story.

Of course there is all sorts of yummy smexy scenes. YA just can't get enough of that!

I would love to see this book and the last one expanded. The story is just so compelling you want to savor it longer!