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Currently reading

Forbidden Love
Laura Harner
Carrie Butler
Black Water Bayou
Monique O'Connor James
Blood Gift
Amy Lee Burgess
Pick Your Pleasure
Jayne Rylon
Seducing Samantha
R.E. Butler
Alien Interludes: Clans of Kalquor Short Stories
Tracy St. John
If Only
Cherise Sinclair

Bloodhounds! Learn About Bloodhounds and Enjoy Colorful Pictures - Look and Learn!

Bloodhounds! Learn About Bloodhounds and Enjoy Colorful Pictures - Look and Learn! - Becky Wolff I downloaded these books mostly for the photos. I love wildlife photography. Some of the images are really great but most are just ok.

The animal facts were really interesting. Although some of the wording seemed above elementary reading levels.

Great for a kindle free read.