Really great story!!! Fabulous follow up to Sharp Change!!! Everything I complained about in the first book was fixed here!
I loved Riel from the other book and really hoped he would have a HEA!!! He is a perfect balance of possessive and gentle loving. Add in his Alpha side with a touch of dirty talk and a girl can't complain!
Sam is a great match for him and such an interesting character herself. This time I really felt the emotions along with all the lust! They were a really engaging pair.
The side story was much more developed this time and really well paced. Very well rounded storytelling.
Loads of yummy steam!!! Oh Lordy, hot and heavy to the max!
I really can't wait for the next book! Please say it is Nat and Troy, or maybe a little loving for Tryx!!!! Really addictive series with dynamic characters and writing that sucks you in and doesn't let go until the last word!