I adore paranormal fiction!! What I like best of all is when somebody gives me a new and fresh take on the subject! This is an amazingly new spin in paranormal!
DJ is an awesome kick butt chick! I love everything about her! I am always for a sassy gal with a few powers to play around with! She is definitely one for my list of heroines I wish I could swap lives with! Sure she has drama to deal with, but she also has killer adventures!
The world in this series is very well thought out and defined. I was excited to read about New Orleans and an alternate version of Post Katrina events. The story was beautifully paced and entertaining. I was very intrigued my many new elements the author created especially the historical undead.
Oh, and the hotties!! First is my fav, undead pirate Jean Lafitte. I mean who wouldn't love a sexy pirate lusting after them! I would have no trouble...um...walking his plank! Next is her fellow sentinel and all around hottie Alex. And then his cousin Jake is thrown into the mix! So many choices! But I say why choose, ok, I might read a little too much menage and it warps my view on love triangles!
So many dynamic and engaging characters I never wanted it to end! I am on the edge of my seat waiting for the next book!!