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Forbidden Love
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Carrie Butler
Black Water Bayou
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Blood Gift
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Pick Your Pleasure
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Seducing Samantha
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Alien Interludes: Clans of Kalquor Short Stories
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If Only
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Ours - Hazel Gower Ok, looking at the rating you might think I wasn't in love with the book. Not true I really enjoyed the characters, plotline and writing. I was just put off by the first steamy scene. It was sketchy consent and not my scene at all. I got past it and enjoyed the rest of the book but that definitely colored my perception of the relationship.

Sandy really is a feisty little redhead, don't let her hear you say it, but it's true! I loved her and all her attitude!!! She is super spicy and really speaks here mind. Oh, watch the temper, sparks will fly!

The guys were sexy alpha bears, my fave sort!!! I love me some yummy grouchy grizzlies!!! They were totally my kind of shifters most of the time.

I am also a touch annoyed at the family dynamic around them. There is kind of a prejudice among the shifters and it is ugh. I thought it was resolved in the last book but pops up again here.

The steam in the rest of the book was hot and heavy!!! I girl might need a cold shower!!!

I am really eager to know if there are more books coming? There were some very interesting threads that have been left hanging.