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Amethyst Bound

Amethyst Bound - L. Shannon Check out my other listens at Eargasms Audiobook Reviews

This was a very interesting story. It appears to be the first book in a series. Sadly it seems the author dropped the series as there have been new books in a few years. I hate that!

I really liked Toni and found her to be a fun strong female character. She was a touch insecure but had her reasons.

I liked Ben but wished he were a touch more Alpha at times. He was also just a bit more judgmental than I would have liked.

This book really sets up a possible series with the other Dragons and the main characters quest to locate them. Too bad it appears we will never know what the author intended.

A nice spot of steam with a touch of kink, is it a three way if two characters in habit the same body?

I listened to the audiobook read by the deliciously wicked voice of Maia Guest. She does a superb job of creating the smexy scenes. Women's voices do not usually get me all hot and bothered, but she really steamed things up! Great pace and terrific voices.