A really thrilling end to the series. I love the whole tournament and everything Ari puts in place. She is finally taking the reigns and owning her title as head of 4 houses! She gets to deliver a few set downs along the way, I was like "You go Girl!"
I was a touch annoyed at all the guys loving and wanting her immediately. Thankfully it was explained later and made me less annoyed. I really wish there were more time spent on all the different races and their traits. That part was fascinating and really could have been expanded. Great world building though.
There are a lot of characters to track this time around. Almost too many with the contenders and their retainers on top of her keepers that we already knew. I felt like I needed a character sheet to really be able to follow everybody. At one point in the tournament I was totally confused who a character was and where he came from.
The mixed narrative is still chopping with lines here and there of a supporting POV. Maybe it is different in print, but in audio is is a bit jarring. I prefer only one POV or set sections of one character at a time. That is what works best for me as a reader. Still not a biggie, just an annoyance.
I found the conclusion really interesting and hope to check out the spin off! That should be awesome and I expect much banter!!
I listened to the audiobook narrated by Caprisha Page, who does a fantastic job. She has a very youthful quality to her voice that really works for Ari and her friends, she is also able to do the older voices justice. Whoa, that is a brisk read, I like to fast but others may want to slow it down a touch. Great energy throughout the read really adds to the action and suspense. I hope she does the spin-off audiobooks as well!!
I am sad the series is over but there is much that can happen with Nessa and Devin. I am eager to see them com out in audio too!!! This was a very intriguing series and a whole other take on vampires and supernaturals in general! Definitely a great read for any young adult interested in the genre!
Disclosure - I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts, opinions and ratings are my own.