It took me awhile to read this book, I was not as interested in the main characters. I really liked Lucy but was not crazy about Beck or Patrick from past books. Still, it needed to be read if I wanted to read the next two books in the series, which I am excited about.
I was pleasantly surprised to find Lucy has way more spunk and sass than first expected. She is just my kind of gal, her whole attitude is awesome. Who can resist a girl who says "oh yeah, watch me!" I also loved her technique in getting comfortable in her own skin. I might even have to give it a try, um, what will my cats think of that.
Patrick is a very nice guy, almost too nice. The way he was a pushover for his ex-wife was not attractive. I generally go for the more Alpha types. Happily, I found he has more of an Alpha streak than I suspected.
Beck was another hard sell, he has serious jerk tendencies. Sure he was dumped by the girl her loved, but that is no reason to take it out on a nice girl like Lucy. The sections from his POV really help to soften impressions of him. He is not my favorite hero in the series, but I found myself liking him in the end.
The mixed narrative is great for getting into everybody's thoughts. It is important to understand where they are all coming from. The insights make the characters more engaging, especially the ones I was not totally feeling at first.
Most of the story in this book is about the relationship. There is a lot to deal with in all of their past, they have issues to work through. It was a really interesting journey, very well paced. There is a side story from the Lusty series that comes into play near the end. There are also bits of Tabitha and her nastiness to contend with, pretty sure that will come to head in the next few books.
The steam is yummy!! Plenty of variety in locations, positions and pairings. It is all about the lady in this menage. The characters have been hanging out together for the last year, which made the time frame for intimacy reasonable. There is a touch of dirty talk, I could have used more. I do love a fella with a naughty mouth!! On the downside, the "c" word pops up, really do not like that one, but it isn't so much I can not overlook it every now and again.
I am super excited about the next two books in the series!! Oh yummy bears, not shifters but still big brawny men!! Smexy sheriff Hank is after that, and I do believe his gal will be my new favorite. I love every visit in Divine, even ones like this that do not bowl me over. Every book adds more to the bigger picture, they give you loads of little bits that spill over into this series and Lusty. Such fun reads!! More like visits with old and new friends.