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Report for Booty

Report for Booty - Jayne Rylon Check out my other listens at Eargasms Audiobook Reviews

This is the first book in the anthology Midnight Ink, it does a great job of setting up the tattoo shop that is the location for the stories. I am betting at least three of the supporting charterers in this story will get their HEA in the other tales.

I really like Chavon and Burke, they are engaging characters who make you root for them. You enter the story with their romance already in progress, and yup they break up. Three years later we find them both in the same city, sigh, I dig a nice reunited lovers theme. The re-meet is kinda sweet. I loved the way they were set up by friends. My favorite thing is Chavon's reaction! Perfection!!

Yummy steamy action!!! Oh yeah, these two are seriously hot and heavy!! They get back into the sack quickly, but they have both been thinking about the other all this time. The smexy stuff has a rough undertone, sigh, pull the hair, slap the butt! Have the cold shower ready!!

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Gregory Salinas, delicious as always!! He has a great voice that is just rough and gruff enough to set panties on fire!! He does wonders for Shep, yup I can not wait for him to record his book!! Great pace adds energy to the read, oh boy, does it add energy to the smexy stuff!! The man gives good voice!

Overall it is a really enjoyable little read, the fact it is so short is my only real complaint. You get a sense of the characters but do not get to spend a great deal of time with them. I always want a good story to be longer. There is so much story left untold. I think I need to read the rest of the anthology to see how the others fair and if these two pop up again.

Disclosure - I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts, opinions and ratings are my own.