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Forbidden Love
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Black Water Bayou
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Pick Your Pleasure
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Alien Interludes: Clans of Kalquor Short Stories
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At Grave's End

At Grave's End - Jeaniene Frost Check out my other listens at Eargasms Audiobook Reviews

Woow!! Just Wow!! This book really puts you through your paces!!So much awesome story here!! Usually when a couple gets together the plots fall off, not the case here!

There are several new supporting characters who arrive, a little much to keep track of but worth the effort! Tate is, well Tate, and we get more into Ian, Annette and Mencheres backstories. Somehow you get to like each of them, even the ones you might have been on the fence about. I am very excited for the direction this series is taking. The plot this time is very well paced and has loads of twists and turns. So much going on, and the depth of connection between Cat and Bones is astounding.

Plenty of yummy steam to keep a gal hot!! Ms frost is a master at delivering the naughty bits!! I was all hot and bothered several times!! Wowza!

Warning, have the tissues read, there are a few really emotional moments. And things get rather gorey at times, both in battle and torture.

I listened to the audiobooks and Tavia Gilbert, the narrator is awesome as usual!! I love her characterizations and the urgency she puts into the reads. She gives you a real sense of being a part of the story!! Yummy accents too!!

Gimme, Gimme more!!!! Love the feel and flow of these books. The world is delightful and creative. Every book brings more to the picture. I will have to grab the spin-off's as well.