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Forbidden Love
Laura Harner
Carrie Butler
Black Water Bayou
Monique O'Connor James
Blood Gift
Amy Lee Burgess
Pick Your Pleasure
Jayne Rylon
Seducing Samantha
R.E. Butler
Alien Interludes: Clans of Kalquor Short Stories
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If Only
Cherise Sinclair

The Insider's Guide To Heather Rainier's Divine Creek Ranch Collection

The Insider's Guide To Heather Rainier's Divine Creek Ranch Collection - Heather Rainier Awesome for playing catch-up with the series!! There have been 17 books so far, and that means loads of characters to keep track of, the head spins at times.

I like to take a peak at this before starting a new book in the series. It is great for refreshing my faulty memory. Even better for those moments when somebody is talking and I am unsure who they are, even though I read their book.

There are also some delicious extras to make you giggle!! I can never resist a character takeover!