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Like a Woman Scorned

Like a Woman Scorned - Randi Hart I am a little lost for what to say...um what did I just read. Certainly not a light fluffy romance, this was much darker than even I anticipated.

I will give the author kudos for the writing and unexpected plot twists, however those same twists are what I did not enjoy. I do not generally like to read books about cheaters and yeah, that revenge was way too far.

The pace in nice and the detail is all there but there just comes a point where you do not like the characters. They are definitely anti-hero types.

If you are looking for a dark read this is the book for you. Personally I will stick with my smexy romances that can be dramatic but always leave me with a HEA.

*Disclosure - I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts, opinions and ratings are my own.*